I began this journey honestly in 2013 when I hosted my first party for a friend of mine that was a Distributor! Little di I know where that would lead. Who would've thought, saying "yes" all those years ago would lead me down the path to today!!
I did not hos the party with the intent of ever signing up. I was just helping out a friend while learning about some products thatsounded interesting to me! I have to admit, I had a lot of fun at that party!! I was wrapped at the party for free for hosting! I have to be honest I was skeptical of it!! I put on the wrap and let her show all my coworkers the pprocess. I then hung out for 45 minutes while listening to her talk about the products and sampling the Greens. After 45 minutes I took off the Wrap and was pretty amazed! BUT...the real amazement came the next morning! I was astounded at the results. Like completely blown away! Needless to say I was excited to try the products.
I continued using the Wraps and the Greens & Greens chews over the next few years!! I used the periodically as I didn't have a ton of money to spend on things really. I'd go years with a financial burden on my head. I was a single woman with a single income. Needless to say its tough on your own. I loved my independence on knowing I was doing it on my own. But the knowing of not getting to do things you want all the time, or buy a new outfit. Well it took tolls on me. Every few months I'd get into this deep slump. Crying an sad at not "feeling lie a normal person." Or I'd gone out with friends or made a purchase or gone on a trip and then would immediately regret it. "I could've used that money on groceries or something I might need for the house." I had an opposite case of FOMO. Instead of being afraid of missing out, I was afraid after participating. I dreamed of day that I wouldn't feel this way and go through these slumps.
Fast forward a few years. My friend (an old friend of my brother's really) was always hitting me up periodically. It sounded so nice. Her financial freedom. Seeing her posts of paying off student loans, paying for her wedding in cash, etc. But I was too scad to take the plunge. What if I fail... What if I feel like a compete and utter fool... I can't honestly do this... So I said no each time. Or maybe later on.
THEN, in 2017, a promo to sign-up for $10 came along and she hit me up again!! It was like a sign! I could' pass this up any longer. I mean $10!!! If I said no this time I knew I would kick myself in the teeth. I finally did it! I said YES! I mean I already use and love the products. There was never a doubt there.
Fast forward again to today! I will not say the journey was super easy. I did not expect that to be the easiest thing in the world and I don't want to lie. It is hard sometimes t find a balance between my full-time job and my Home Business. I want to be completely honest here. I have not found full-financial freedom here yet. But I want to! I want to recommit my time. I have receive the pay and I have enjoyed using an extra income. My struggles I feel were mainly the bulk of my team is in another state. I don't have the freedom to hit them up for coffee or dinner and talk out strategies. I really have to reach out or the help (which anyone who knows me knows I don't like to ask for help). I have amazing support through our Facebook groups which I LOVE.
So hear I am today!!! Committed!! Willing!! Hungry!! I will make this business my b!tch!! And I want you to join me!! Whoever you are, whereever you live!! Let's do this and bring our lives to a #WholeNothaLevel!!!